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Planning a Bridal Shower

Last weekend I got the chance to co-host a friend’s bridal shower, and I really enjoyed the experience. Here is a summary about what I learned.

Find Co-hosts. Even if you are a control-freak, I think co-hosting is the way to go when it comes to pre-wedding events (just make sure you know you can work with them). Not only will this help when it comes to costs, but it is also nice to brainstorm together and split responsibilities. In general, I would recommend a total of 2-3 hosts max, because the more people you need to deal with, the slower it will be to make decisions. In our case we had three hosts and planning went smoothly.

Choose a Theme. It could be as simple as the bride’s wedding colors, or it could be something more extravagant. It really depends on what the bride wants and how much you want to spend.

Choose the Invites. Request the guest list from the bride with their respective addresses. Search online and start making a list of options you like. These should be emailed or mailed a month in advance. I personally prefer evites just because the RSVP process is much easier, but printed invites are nicer and the bride will be able to save one as a keepsake. Here are some of the sites I always use:





Start a Spreadsheet! If you know me or have read my blog before, you know I love spreadsheets. Whether you are planning in person, by phone or by email, it will help you keep everything organized and it will avoid anyone missing anything. Start by writing down everything you need, split responsibilities with the other co-hosts, and keep track of it in excel. Since we decided our table spread would include appetizers and desserts.

Games. Again, this one depends on what the bride wants. Showers are generally two hours long, so you don’t really need to have a game, but if you want to plan one use Pinterest as a source of inspiration.

Prep Ahead. Bridal Showers are usually in the early afternoon, which means you might not have a bunch of time between your wake up time and the bridal shower to shop, cook, bake, get ready, drive (if it’s not at your house), and help the other hosts. Anything that can be done the day before, should not be left till last-minute, and you should be at the bridal shower at least an hour before it starts.

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