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9 Pieces of Advice for Future Brides

My sister got engaged last week and I am extremely excited and happy for her! I can’t wait to help her in everything she needs now that I’ve experienced being a bride myself. When she told me he proposed, I started thinking about what pieces of advice I could give her that I wish someone would’ve given me. So I came up with these 9 pieces of advice for future brides.

1. First things first, clean that bling! You will be obsessed with the sparkle of your ring and you will need to clean it. Here is how: a little bit of dish soap (yes! Dish soap, I know…weird), some water, and a soft tooth brush. [Also, make sure it is insured.]

2. It’s ok…We all do it. I’m talking about the unstoppable hand stare and the classic hand/ring gaze on the mirror.

3. Ask for help. You don’t assign bridesmaids and groomsmen just to look pretty in the altar, they are there to help you and be there for you.

4. Borrow an ear. Being engaged puts you through a roller coaster of feelings. Having someone to give you advice or just lend an ear will definitely keep you sound.

5. Start pinning. If you have not been doing it “privately”, start getting inspired on Pinterest. Definitely a great source of ideas.

6. Saying fiancé is funny. I think you never get completely used to saying it and it will make you giggle. Saying husband is SO much easier.

7. Be selfish. Put yourself and your groom first, no matter the culture, the pressure, the families, the expectations, etc. It is your day and one to never forget.


8. Trust your gut. With every single decision you make just trust yourself. You might hurt feelings but you will feel at piece and have no regrets.

9. Last, but definitely not least, say no. This one ties back to #7 and #8. Find the courage to say no even when it is hard. Voicing your opinion is really important! After all…it is your wedding.

Happy engagement!

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